Top tips on choosing your wedding venue


Your wedding venue is going to be one of the biggest decisions you’re going to make. Not only will it take up a huge chunk of your overall wedding budget, it also needs to portray your character, fit in with your wedding theme, cater for the number of guests you’re looking to invite and be available! Most wedding venues get … Read More

The Victorian sunken garden

MarkHistory, The Gardens

Sir William Gilbert added the sunken rose garden at Grim’s Dyke in the late 19th Century. Sunken rose gardens became very popular in the Victorian area, growing in popularity throughout the Edwardian period of the early 1900s. It could be that Sir William added in this delightful secluded area, as he knew how much Lady Gilbert loved gardening – and … Read More

Ten things you MUST see in London


Visiting London

Grim’s Dyke hotel is conveniently situated in Harrow Weald, just outside the main hustle and bustle of London. However, it’s also near three train stations and, with the M1 just under 3 miles away, you can easily visit London in as little as 13 minutes by train or under an hour, if travelling by car. If you’re looking to spend … Read More

Murder Mystery at The Grim’s Dyke


  Grim’s Dyke has often been used as a film and TV location, providing the perfect backdrop for everything from comedy and romance, through to murder and intrigue. Its dramatic architecture and typically English interior provide the perfect environment for the ever-popular murder mystery. The Grim’s Dyke as a film location In the late 60’s, Grim’s Dyke was used as … Read More

MGM musicals


Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) dominated the box office in the 1930’s. They were one of the largest, most glamorous and revered film studios in Hollywood and credited for inventing the Hollywood stable of stars’ system; developing budding stars and making them appealing to audiences. Their motto was Ars Gratia Artis – meaning art for art’s sake and their goal was … Read More

Cream teas at Grim’s Dyke – a quintessentially English treat

MarkFood and Drink

Cream Tea

Traditionally an afternoon speciality of Devon and Cornwall, cream teas are now enjoyed throughout the entire country. We at Grim’s Dyke believe that nothing quite beats a nice hot cup of tea, served with a generous warm scone, smothered in strawberry jam and clotted cream… and that’s why we serve them as a delightful afternoon treat, in the Drawing Room, … Read More

The Victorian Cottingley Fairies hoax


In 1919, two young girls captured the imagination of the public, along with spiritualists and theosophical societies alike, with their photographs of fairies. Taken at the end of their garden, Elsie Wright and Francis Griffiths had captured the first ever photographic evidence that fairies existed – and the Cottingley Fairies were born. The Cottingley Fairies were a set of five … Read More

Giant Rhubarb (Gunnera Manicata)

MarkThe Gardens

Here in the grounds of Grim’s Dyke, we have an amazing specimen plant that can grow up to 2.5 metres tall, with a spread of up to 4 metres. Commonly known as the Giant Rhubarb, this plant adorned many a stately garden – and is it any wonder? This prehistoric-looking plant cuts and imposing figure in any large garden, with … Read More

Astaire and Rogers: Hollywood’s golden dance couple


Astaire and Rogers revolutionised the genre of musical film. First paired together in supporting roles for the film ‘Flying Down to Rio’ in 1933, they went on to pair in 10 Hollywood musical films during the golden age of Hollywood. By 1936 Astaire and Rogers were top box office names – and is it any wonder! Their second film The … Read More

W.S. Gilbert and the accomplishment of a lifelong dream


Stage Door Sign

On 13th February 1878, W.S. Gilbert finally got to realise his lifelong dream. That date was the Gaiety Theatre’s Wednesday Matinee performance of a pantomime Burlesque, entitled The Forty Thieves. It was a charity production that listed, among other amateur and professional actors, W.S. Gilbert – playing the part of Harlequin. The Forty Thieves was created as a charity benefit, … Read More