Grim’s Dyke: What it takes to become a Grade II* listed building


Sunken Garden

Steeped in history, Grim’s Dyke is a stunning example of British Architecture. One which has links to several influential and key historical British figures. However, its history goes back even further than the building itself. And it’s all these facts combined, that helped Grim’s Dyke achieve its Grade II listed building status. But what exactly enables a building to gain … Read More

Flowers and plants that attract bees

MarkThe Gardens

If you want to attract bees into your garden, you don’t have to turn the whole garden into a mass of pollen-producing flowers (although that would look amazing!). You can easily help the bees in your area, by ensuring you have pollen and nectar rich plants for the different seasons. If you have plenty of room, you could also section … Read More

10 Reasons Why We Love Tulips

MarkThe Gardens

Take a look outside your window. Summer is well and truly here! And that means balmy evenings in beer gardens, gathering round the barbecue with friends and giving our gardens the TLC they’ve been sorely missing in the colder, wetter months. And if you’re looking to inject some quintessential summer cheer into your garden, you could do much worse than … Read More

Victorian Architects Ernest George and Harold Peto


From September 1890 until the end of that year, Sir William S Gilbert supervised the various internal alterations he wanted to be completed at Grim’s Dyke. He employed the victorian architects Ernest George and Peto to do the work. Chosen as they had a prominent reputation in London and had also designed Gilbert’s London home in Harrington Gardens. Various changes … Read More

Pressing flowers – a quintessential Victorian pastime

MarkHistory, The Gardens

Flower Pressing

The Victorians loved flowers! Not only did they adore fresh flowers in their homes, flowers were also depicted in paintings, carvings, embroidery and clothing. Pressed flowers were a simple art form the Victorians enjoyed and can easily be traced back to ancient Egypt. In the 1500’s Oshibana (the art of pressing flowers in a way to create a whole picture) … Read More

10 Facts About Alliums

MarkThe Gardens


Alliums, including garlic, onions, and leeks, are versatile plants known for their culinary uses and health benefits. Bees and butterflies love alliums, as do many gardeners. Deer and rabbit, however, tend to shy away from them – and that could be due to the rather pungent aroma they can give off if the stems are broken! Alliums look stunning when … Read More

The Art of Champagne Sabrage

MarkFood and Drink

Sabrage demonstration

A Champagne bottle, cavalry sword and a celebration in full swing – what could be more ceremonial or flamboyant! Champagne sabrage is a wonderful sign of celebration and victory, but when did this type of celebration first start? And, as many people would like to know – is it easy for you to do? The Origins of Champagne Sabrage The … Read More

Picnics – The Traditional Victorian Way

MarkFood and Drink, History


Picnics, are the ideal opportunity to meet up with friends and family. A chance to enjoy an informal yet tasty meal, whilst having fun in the great outdoors. Wealthy landowners loved a good picnic, as it gave them the chance to sit and enjoy the scenery their estates gave them. And it was the Victorians who brought picnics to the … Read More

The Kitchen Garden in May

MarkThe Gardens

kitchen garden

Summer is only around the corner and for the gardeners among us, May is one of the busiest months for the kitchen garden! The plant growth increases and the weather keeps us on our toes! Sunny warm days inevitably bring on rapid growth in the kitchen garden, just as with other gardens and lawns. However, the warmer weather also encourages … Read More