John Harvey was a yacht builder from Essex. Father to actor, Sir Martin Harvey, he designed and built W.S. Gilbert’s second boat – the Chloris, a 110 ton yawl with a lead keel. During the spring of 1881 W.S. Gilbert spent a lot of time corresponding with John Harvey about his new yacht. It was nearly twice the size of … Read More
Victorian Calling Cards and their place in society
Social interaction was a very formal affair for Victorian England. Calling Cards played an important role in the social etiquette of the time. There were strict etiquette rules, not just around how you socialised but also how you used calling cards too! The idea of using calling cards wasn’t just reserved for the upper-class Victorians. Early examples go back as … Read More
Brantinghame Hall
Brantinghame Hall was a four-act serious drama, written by W.S. Gilbert for his friend Rutland Barrington. Barrington was leasing St. James’s Theatre and need to increase audience figures, so Gilbert resurrected an old play that hadn’t previously been produced. Brantinghame Hall was sentimental and had a few good comedy scenes, so Gilbert modified it for Barrington, so he could place it at … Read More
Victorian Composer Frederic Clay
English composer Frederic Clay, was a great friend of Arthur Sullivan, who he subsequently introduced to W.S. Gilbert at the Gallery. Together, Clay and Gilbert produced four comic operas, before a stroke paralysed Clay at the age of 44 and cut short his productive life. Cay died in 1889, aged 51 when he was found drowned in the bath at … Read More
Top 5 tips for event organisation
Organising an event can be an overwhelming experience. There are so many different elements to consider, from the choice of venue, through to overall theme and costs. Regardless of whether you’re looking to organise a wedding, a corporate event or private party, here are our top tips to help make your event organisation a little easier! #1: Plan your event … Read More
Doctor Who, Daleks and The Grim’s Dyke
The Evil of the Daleks was the ninth and final serial of the fourth season the popular science fiction television series Doctor Who. The Doctor had regenerated for the first time during this fourth season, with Patrick Troughton taking over from William Hartnell. For the first time, the entire cast changed over the course of this fourth season – something … Read More
The Secret language of flower
Known as floriography, the cryptic message of flowers has been used for thousands of years. The Victorians especially, loved how they could use flowers to send small bouquets (or nosegays) of coded messages to their loved ones. These flowers could be worn or carried as fashion statements, whilst the message itself could be decoded with a bit of patience and … Read More
Top 7 tips for planning your wedding
There’s so much to organise when you’re looking to get married. Initially, your dress will be the number one task, as it’s going to be centre stage on your big day. However, the day itself also needs organising – and that’s where the overwhelm tends to kick in. If you’re looking to ease that overwhelm and get a clear plan … Read More
Top 10 Victorian flowers
The Victorians loved flowers. Not only did they use them to adorn their homes, they were also used to scent their toiletries and clothes, flowers also had hidden symbolism too. Many a Victorian sweetheart could send unwritten wording through their choice of floral bouquet. Here’s the top flowers of choice for the Victorians, along with what message they portrayed. #1: The … Read More
The etiquette for Victorian dining
Victorian dining was a complex affair. Not only was there the formality or writing to ask guests to attend, there was the complexity of organising who sat where, what dishes to serve (along with how many!) and ensuring that all guests would have an enjoyable evening. When it come to the actual evening, the table needed to be set right, … Read More